Sunday 27 July 2008

Role of the UN in averting a global energy crisis

Energy crisis triggered by energy shortage is an observable situation in the world community today. This energy crunch is due to radical increase in demand for energy brought about by an alarming population growth rate, market speculation and rising oil prices to quote a few.
The United Nations primarily concerned with addressing pressing global issues is responsible for averting global energy crunch. It aims to promote system-wide collaboration in the area of energy with a coherent and consistent approach.
The UN focuses on substantive and collaborative actions both in regard to policy development in the energy area and its implementation as well as in maintaining an overview of major ongoing initiatives within the system based on the UN-Energy work programme at all levels. The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI), serve as the basis for action on energy.
United Nations Energy Program-UNEP works to address concerns regarding energy production and use, and assists decision-makers in governments and the private sector to make better, more informed energy choices which fully integrate environmental and social costs.
UN-Energy, the interagency mechanism on energy, has addressed the importance of access to energy in achieving the Millennium Development Goals

In conclusion, development of alternative forms if energy, which is environmentally and economically viable, and sustainable use of the same is an explicit solution to averting global energy crisis. All countries should hence work in partnership to avert global energy crisis.

-Nayantara BG

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