Sunday 27 July 2008

Day 1 G.A.

SMUN 2008 at GA began with fifty odd (and eager) delegates sitting on the edge of their seats, filled with a little anxiety and a whole lot of enthusiasm.
The delegate of USA set the house in motion by proposing to start with the working agenda. The first speaker, the delegate of Switzerland, could not have been more explicit in stating the need to avert a global energy crisis. This was followed by many-a countries commenting on and confirming their countries views on the causes of energy crisis - the topic being discussed in the first moderated caucus.

Delegates of Switzerland, France, India and USA were commendable in their efforts to convince the world body on the causes that have lead to the near-crisis. However, the OPEC countries could have had a lot more to say in regard to the topic.

The secnd caucus saw the delegates deliberating on alternative sources of energy. The committee discussed non-conventional sources of energy ranging from hydro, solar and wind energy to the rather amusing concepts of using pig fat to produce diesel and cow fat to produce electricity!

At 11 am a press conference was initiated and saw many first time MUNners sweat it out under the intimidating presence of the Spokesperson for GA. While the United Kingdom refrained from replying to the questions posed to them, Israel and Saudi Arabia could have provided more convincing replies. Nonetheless, France and the USA stood by their national policies and reinforced their conviction in their governments' stands.
The delegate of France concluded the moderated caucus by accurately summarizing all that was said during the session and was consequently commended by the Chair for his observations.

Next on the agenda was a debate on nuclear energy as an alternative fuel where the delegates of India and the USA showed sound knowledge of their recent nuclear agreement. The delegates of Russia, Germany and Czech Republic too, presented their opinions effectively.
The last of the moderated caucuses saw the delegate of Czech Republic express concern over the depleting forest reserves in Congo and Switzerland making a very relevant point with reference to energy sites in the country.

The motion to entertain at this point came like a breath of fresh air. The talking heads found ample opportunity to show off their talents, mostly reserved to singing little ditties. The delegates were in for a treat as they were duly entertained by the bench who sang a made-up national anthem for Burkina Faso, and even did a little dance to it!

Before the unmoderated caucus to draft the resolutions for the day's deliberations was set in motion, a quick press conference was initiated. This time the delegates came across as more confident and were better prepared to face the Spokesperson's onslaught.

The day came to an end on a productive and highly satisfying note as two resolution were presented to the Chair (one and half to be accurate!) .

-Lakshmi M


Questqueen said...
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Questqueen said...

let me comment[shamelessly] on my own article...firstly, thank u ajooni for polishing the article[so well tat even I cudn't make out!!] ..kiddin...its sounding way better now...I still remember the "traumatic" condition under which I wrote that article[bombs were exploding all over the country side when I was perched on the desk of the control room in the auditorium!:P]
By the way, if anybody does feel anything about it, please do feel free...even to yell at me...
Yours lovingly,