Sunday 27 July 2008


After a rather mundane Day I of UNESCO of Sophia Model United Nations, the press noted (may we add, with delight) that Day 2 was far better in terms of preparation and participation from the delegates. The first hour of the morning passed in a substantive motion where the Switzerland, one of the main sponsors of a resolution (which strove to protect the human rights especially during political instability) himself had a whole lot of answering to do to the entire international community. This was followed by half an of a press conference where France, Argentina, India and Myanmar were picked on but it’s a matter of much regret that not a single delegate was informed well enough to give a reasonable explanation to any of their countries actions and decisions.

Finally, the delegates broke for the much awaited tea, but returned only to find themselves in the middle a crisis. The delegates came up with some rather “interesting” solutions, whether it was the Chinese delegate who seemed very concerned about the proper cremation of the IAEA officer, or the Czech Republic who happily and merrily declared a war on Myanmar “in order to save the flora and fauna”. And then of course there was the Russian delegate who was least concerned and affected by the crisis, saying “so what can we do if there is a crisis” And when the Chair informed him about what he could *do* being a Russian delegate, he most indifferently replied with a “yeah, so?”

After half an hour of such “interesting discussion, the house broke into a an unmoderated caucus, which brought out the delegates’ emotions more clearly about the crisis, such as the UAE wanting to punch out someone’s teeth in the middle of the resolution drafting and Russia and Czech Republic who very comfortably settled down on the last two benches as if expecting someone to give them a formal invitation to help in resolving the crisis. Needless to add, the crisis itself was more entertaining than the motion to entertain itself. However at the end of it all, the delegates managed to put aside their differences and finally resolved the crisis very successfully. The day finally came to an end with a motion to entertain where not a single delegate was spared by the house as each person in the room was obliged to entertain and entertain they did.

On a more serious note, overall, Day 2 was undoubtedly infinitely better than Day 1 with a much higher participation, quality of debate and of course, entertainment !

- Apeksha S. and Sonal.


Anonymous said...

i didn't declare war on maynmar to save flora and fauna i suggest that they could be evacuated and left some where else and declared war if they didn't finish off the terrorist organizations within a year pls modify the abive lines

delegate of czech republic (unesco)

Anonymous said...

if they did change the 'above lines' that wont be something to laugh bout will it..........ha ha.