World press at SMUN 2010



South Africa


Democratic Republic of Congo
Amnesty International




Saudi Arabia


SAARC--- Going Backward in Time—Thanks to the Taliban

UK--- November 29th to December 10th , Days of Reckoning for World Climate

Pakistan---Pakistan: A Dirty Dance with the American Taxpayer and Soldier

South Africa---November 14th, Sudan’s Day of Reckoning

Singapore--- Singapore’s Defenses Against Terrorism A Mighty Example To The Rest Of The World

USA---Meltdown of the Melting Pot, a Sure Path To Terrorism

Congo---The United Nations: Keeping Up The Peace

Amnesty International--- Ethnic Rivalry in Bosnia? Where Has The Dayton Accord Gone?

Argentina--- Justice Delivered At Last? Probe Opened Against War Crime of Spain’s General Franco

Iraq-- Women: Playing a Pivotal Role in The Modern World

India--- Up From Communalistic Ashes

Australia--- Nuclear Technology And The Well Being of the Developing State

Russia--- Is the NPT pushing for the violation of a nation’s Sovereignty?

France--- The French Woman and The Burqa

Israel--- Nuclear Stability in The Middle East

China--- Is Mr Liu Xiabo a true ‘criminal’?

Saudi Arabia--- Closer Ties in The Middle East: A Sure way to destroy terrorism

Mexico--- US Banks in tandem with the Mexican Drug Wars

Greece--- Anti-Austerity Movement Closing In on Greece’s Debt Crisis

Myanmar--- Aung San Suu Kyi spends almost two decades of fighting for democracy for People Indifferent to the Upcoming Election.

Please Note—

1> All Press Articles are due in by no later than midnight 13th October. Failure to meet the deadline will result in non-consideration of your submission.

2> As far as possible, write your article with reference to your country. You have a two hundred word limit which you must stick to.

3> Please email us your contact details AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE YOUR HOUSE.

We need your name, school and delegation

4> Email ID’S
General Assembly-
Security Council -

Press Report:

The United Nations as a world body bringing both allied states and enemy nations together aims at one goal: World Peace. Every word spoken in its august rooms, every curse in its proceedings and every decision formed affect the people it tries to protect and defend from the common foes of violence and hatred, hunger and poverty, human rights violations and brutality. The groundbreaking resolutions taken hand in hand, take us further into an age of civilization.
A heavy onus therefore lies on the shoulders of the World Press. We can show no fear, only gritty resolve to bring forth the truth. Every activity worthy of History’s golden pages, every infamous statement, it is our duty to scrutinize and to present it to the public as indications of the future they are stepping into. We do not accept, we question; we do not we seek; we do not hesitate we plunge.
At the SMUN, the World Press is fully committed to the highest. We are a no-nonsense team, capable of seeking out each noteworthy happening, be it positive or negative. Our team of journalists and reporters do their duty and work well to produce nothing short of the best, holding themselves to a higher standard with each passing year and increased exposure to the world of Model United Nations. It is evident with the newsletter which this year will be called ‘SMUN Outspoken’.

Press Members:
Ø Every press member comes along as a journalist/reporter of a particular nation i.e. he/she
accompanies a predetermined delegation. The Press Members may also be attached to
shadow delegations such as a reporter from Amnesty International, etc.

Pre-Conference requirements:
Ø An article to be submitted on a given topic at the SMUN Orientation ceremony (October 4th) to gauge research capability and writing style.
Ø Press Members will be assigned a particular committee at the Orientation during a
separate Press Briefing. All press members are expected to research their agenda as well
as co-ordinate the aforesaid with the Committee’s Head of Press/Spokesperson and to
organize notable press conferences. Research may include videos from recognized sites,
presentations, images, news stories etc, but must be relevant to the point
Press members are also encouraged to play an active role in planning and implementing the Crisis, planned to occur on Day 2 of the conference.

Requirements during the Session:
Ø All press members within a committee must co-ordinate to provide an article of hundred
and fifty words concerning the day’s proceedings.
Ø All press members are required to alert and to spot errors in delegates’ speeches, etc. Due account will be taken of their minutes as well as of their activities within the assembly halls. They are also allowed to bring cameras and take pictures to accompany their reports.
Ø All press members will be permitted to take part in the press conferences, posing preselected questions to delegates which have been submitted to the Press Spokesperson.
Ø All journalists/reporters will be expected to conduct interviews with the delegates, members of the bench, logistics staff, etc, conduct polls, surveys etc and come up with innovative papers for the newsletter, ‘SMUN Outspoken’.

We can be contacted at:

Registration email -
General Assembly-
Ecosoc -
Security Council -
Press -

On facebook -!/group.php?gid=16712868397&ref=ts